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Why people can fail Security Vetting

Have you ever wondered why do people fail security vetting in the UK?
In this article, we will uncover the underlying factors that contribute to these failures, leaving you with a better understanding of the challenges that lie ahead.

What is BS7858 Limited Screening?

If your employees require BS7858 Security Screening in order to start working for your organisation, you are probably aware of how important the prompt completion of this vetting is ( BS7858 Limited Screening) .

A complete guide to BPSS (Baseline Personal security Standard)

Baseline Personnel Security Standard or BPSS for short is the recognised UK government standard and best practice for pre-employment screening of individuals with access to government assets

A Guide to the new BPSS Standard Version 7.0 – June 2024

As many will know the 2018 government guidance needed some updating, especially in areas where the requirements were for paper copies and manual verification methods.

Social media checks Impacts for organisations

With privacy laws constantly changing, will social media screening continue, or will it become ever more legally problematic for employers to review this element of a candidate’s personal life?

Martyn’s Law: An overview for security companies

Martyn’s law, also known as ‘The Protect Duty’ is a bill proposed by the mother of Martyn Hett, one of the 22 victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.

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